How do we navigate individually and collectively with a clear north star without forcing the journey into a straight line?  


The Guiding Principles


Principles are the foundational guides to help us through all of life’s challenging journeys. They serve as a system to practice how to show up, both personal and professional. The Guiding Principles are a cultural technology for the art of living a life following your curiosity. 

Our team’s work began through the interview rituals, we started mapping patterns, and slowly, a set of principles emerged. Sharing and shaping them throughout the interviews, they eventually reached a state of equilibrium. 

Are the principles timeless? Only time will tell. Curiosity will continue to evolve them subtly, and perhaps one day, will add another? Are they right for every person or situation? Goodness no. But we believe they are a great starting place. 

These principles are the keys to unlocking your power to design incredible experiences for clients, customers, employees, co-workers, partners, friends, family, and most importantly yourself.

Let’s take a moment and go through them…


Using all your senses to notice what’s around in the moment


Temporarily being open to the possibility of something new 


Using your beginner’s eyes, mind, and heart to learn by doing


Intentionally exploring a sequence of activities


Acting with beauty, love, humor, and ease


Moving smoothly and continuously from moment to moment

Begin your journey of personal and/or professional transformation by learning the basic concepts, frameworks, and principles to cultivate a more curious mindset.